Combine and Uncombine Orders

Combining and Separating Orders in eHub Ship

Combining Orders in eHub Ship

If two or more orders are in the same status, they can be combined to streamline your shipping process. Follow the steps below to combine orders:

  1. 1. Highlight the orders you would like to combine.
  2. 2. Click the “Combine” button at the top of the screen.
  3. 3. A “Combine Orders” menu will open. Highlight the name and address you want to appear on the label.
  4. 4. Click “Combine.” Any warnings will appear at the bottom of the menu.
  5. 5. Your orders have now been combined!

Separating Orders in eHub Ship

To separate previously combined orders, follow these steps:

  1. 1. Find the combined order you would like to separate and open it. (Searching for any order number within the combined order will help you locate it.)
  2. 2. In the top left corner of your combined order page, click the drop-down menu.
  3. 3. Choose “Uncombine”.
  4. 4. Your orders have been separated!

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